Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Still Ate Too Much Sugar...

Therefore from now on I will try and concentrate a little more on my sugar cravings. I know I can beat it. When I was super serious about my health, I actually went a whole month without sweets, until I decided to have a serving of sorbet. Then it all went to hell. I think I will try this again. I will try to keep my goals in mind. I don't think I did horrible, but my binges are too out of control. Today I ate some more jelly beans, but then told my boyfriend to give them to his friend. Then later tonight I had 14 laffy taffy's, and that is almost 3 servings of them. So too many. From now on when I want something sugary, I will eat some yogurt, or some fruit. Or I could take a walk, or just drink a bunch of water. Anyway, I hope my efforts don't fail. I worked out for 45 minutes today. I did my dancing for 30 minutes again, and I did some strength training for 15 minutes. I found a cool idea that I am going to try. I will take some note cards and write down some workouts on them. Whatever I pull for the day will be what I do. It adds some fun to it.

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