Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Did Alright I Guess

So, I just did alright today. It was a weekend, so I was a bit more lenient. I ate a bit too much sugar though. It seems to always be my biggest problem. I sat there at work and at 5 packets of honey because I was so hungry, and then came home to find out that they were each worth 50 calories! My total caloric intake for the day was around 2100 calories. I guess that was fine. I am aiming for more around 1600 though. I will be a lot more strict tomorrow. I didn't get a work out in today, but that's fine. I've already worked out for I think it was 3 days this week. I am working out tomorrow though. Part of the reason why I decided not to was because my muscles are sore basically everywhere. I think I'll do my yoga tape tomorrow. And some more arm and ab strengthening exercises. I really need to get serious about my eating. I'm sitting here and working out and it's basically pointless because of all the crap I'm eating. I really want to lose that 5 pounds so I can get my hair done. Wish me luck! I'll tell you how I did when tomorrow ends.

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