I am thinking about trying to start runnin. Well actually, I have been thinking about starting running. I just never got serious about it. It's something that I want to accomplish. One of my goals is to run a mile non stop. There's an 8 week program type thing on calorie-count.com about learning to run. If I do decided to do it, that's what I am going to use. I know that it will feel so amazing to run. Sure, it sucks while you're doing it, but when you finish you feel so good. I have always had trouble with running. I remember having to run the mile in school, and how much I hated it. I was usually the last to finish. Typically would take me around 18 minutes. I want to become a runner. I want to be able to brag about how long I can run for. I want to accomplish something that I never thought possible. This journey isn't all about losing weight. It's also about improving who I am in every way possible. I know that running will help me with this. But I am such a big baby. I keep making excuses. Why am I terrified of something like this? Something so good for me scares me so much. This is another goal that I will accomplish! I will start Monday next week. I want to run in the dark. I'm doing this in my neighborhood. Do I do this in the morning, or do I do this at night? The mornings have less people out, but I am so tired at 6 (which is when I would start). What do you guys think is better? I will post the program below for the first week.
Running Schedule
Walk 3 minutes
Run 1
This is repeated until I reach a total of 30 minutes.
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