Yeah, you read it, moving scales. : ) I weighed myself this morning and the scale read 175. I am so freaking happy about this. The running is finally paying off. Yays! Now guys, I am only 16 pounds away from my mini goal of weighing 159 by the time school starts. I hope I can reach it. I am going to be strict with my eating this summer, and I will be hanging out with my friends a lot. We have tons of plans for this summer. So, I will be outside walking a bunch. Then our pool is going up, and I am going to be there a lot. I love swimming! So, that'll be a good workout. Then I will still be doing my running. Plus, Josh and I are trying to talk my mom into letting us have a puppy, so I will be walking her if my mom let's us have her. I hope that reach my goal! If I lose 5 pounds during two of these months of summer, and 6 during another I will reach my goal exactly. Wish me luck as usual!
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