Ok, well here I am again. And as I promised in the last post, I have my little personal lists with me getting ready to be posted. I think I am going to try and post on here everyday. Probably won't on the weekends though. Since I am usually busy then. Anyway. I thought I would tell everyone how many calories I eat and all that good stuff. I typically try any where from 1200-1500. Give or take, but I try to never get below 1200. For breakfast I typically have 2 eggs and a piece of whole wheat toast. Then before I go to school at 10, I try to have a baked potato with parkay spray butter. That is a great thing to eat if you know you'll get hungry fast. It keeps me full for a few hours. Because of the fiber of course. Well, here's my lists. They're not completed yet, and I can't think of anything else to post on them but I will post them anyway.
Fitness/Weight Goals
Reach 159 (no longer overweight)
Do 10 push ups (I'm working on it)
Run a mile non-stop (This one's gonna be a toughy)
Jump rope to 1,000 (I typically jump to 800)
Things I Want To Do
Get on a rollercoaster again
Wear a skirt with no tights
Buy high heels and actually wear them
Buy a corset
Get a tattoo
Maybe buy a catsuit and look good in it (just for bedroom purposes) ; )
Ride a horse
Go canoeing
That's my list so far. I want to get on a rollercoaster again because the last time that I went on one I barely fit in the seat, and my boyfriend had to help me buckle myself in. It was really embarrasing. I don't even like rollercoasters, but just to get on one and know that I fit perfectly in it (maybe with room to spare) would be a great accomplishment. Who knows, the rush of the rollercoaster and the great fit would make it more enjoyable. I have never worn a skirt without tights. I get really nervous about my legs. I always wanted a pair of hot black pointed toe high heels, but I fear that I'll buy them and not wear them because I'm afraid to. Why? I don't know really. I guess it's just fat chick fear. I want that fear to go away. Maybe the shoes will break? or Maybe I will trip and fall? I'm stupid. I want a tattoo, but I want it to mean something. So, I've decided that when I reach 140 that I will get the phrase "remember to live" tattooed on me in French to remember my long journey. After I get that done, I will get tattooes for every important thing that happens in my life. I just want to feel confident when I get a tattoo. Or when I show it off I don't want to worry about my fat roll or whatever. I want a catsuit. I envy all the women in movies who can wear them. Josh(bf) thinks they are super hot, and so do I. I would love to be able to wear one, and not look like the michelin man stuffed into a small garbage bag. I want a corset. I've always wanted one. But I don't want to buy one (a real one) and look amazing. Like Amy Lee amazing. Corsets make everyone look good, but the fitter you are the better you look. Riding a horse is something I haven't done since I was a little kid. I am terrified that I'll hurt the horse or something. And canoeing. It's something that all of my friends want to do this summer, but I don't think I will. I don't want to sink the canoe, or for the canoe to be lower on the side that I am on. I really have a lot of stupid fears now that I am thinking about it. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Well, I've got to go now. I have to get ready for school. I will think of some more things that I want to talk about on here.