Yeah, so I have gotten myself back down to 185. It didn't take me too long. Although, if I can't stop eating so much candy, then I won't be here for long. I can't seem to stick with my 1500 caloric intake. I'm always at least at 2000. I am hardly ever even near 1500. It just seems too hard. I am always getting hungry. So, now I'd like to try and see if my caloric intake is right for my age and body. I'm thinking about jumping it up to 1800. I think that's what I'm going to do. 1800 still leaves me hungry, and I'm not going to deprive my body when it needs to eat. I have also decided that I can't buy candy at all. I just can't stay away unless I don't buy any. I mean, I bought Hot Tamales and put them into separate baggies of serving sizes. And yesterday I ended up eating 3 of them. So, I realize that I can't control myself, so therefore I don't get the extra treat. I will though, buy a box of 100 calorie packs. They are lower in calories and I can control myself with them. So, that's what I'll be doing. I need to get rid of this weight, not add to it. I am trying to do everything in my power to get to my goal. I am still playing the DDR, although not as often as before. That's fine. I'm sick right now, and I'm not going to force myself to play. I need to remember to always keep my goals in mind. Wish me luck.